About me

Hi, my name is Dave Rayner. I'm a creative guy who has been converting ideas, user and business needs into online 'reality' for over twenty-two years.

A brief history

  • Studied at Enmore Design Centre - Diploma of Graphic Design (I ended up teaching web design there in my last year)
  • I worked as an all-round graphic designer for about a year
  • Started a web design / web development company with three other guys in late 2000
  • Gained six years of invaluable production and leadership experience as a web designer, writer, project manager, company (and eventually) managing director
  • Started my freelance web design & web development practice in late 2006 (to enjoy more time with our first child)
  • Built many long term client relationships over the years – including NRL and Telstra.
  • I continue to be a busy freelance designer and front end web developer (+ husband & father of two of course).

I'm good at:

  • Interface design and graphics
  • HTML and CSS - W3C compliant & WAI conscious
  • Usability principles
  • Writing for the web & organising content
  • Understanding your business, customers and how that can work online
  • Brand / logo design
  • Email newsletter campaigns
  • ExpressionEngine, Craft & Wordpress content management systems
  • Online store creation / eCommerce principles
  • Getting it done on time.

A selection of clients I work with directly:

NRL, Fox Symes, Telstra, Western Sydney Wanderers, Slader, Department of Education, and many others.

Quick facts

  • Freelance web designer based in the Blue Mountains (just outside Sydney)
  • Prefer to work from my office
  • Hour rate: $ contact me
  • Project rate: $ will quote
  • I'm passionate about quality
  • Married, with two great kids

Read more about me...

Skill & software overview

  • Trained graphic designer
  • 22+ yrs commercial experience
  • User-centred approach
  • Advanced Photoshop & Illustrator
  • Advanced HTML & CSS
  • W3C & WAI compliant
  • Responsive / Mobile friendly
  • WordPress customisation
  • ExpressionEngine customisation
  • Craft CMS customisation
  • ZenDesk theme customisation

Right now I am...

  • Working with Signet to lift their online presence. Interface design & code, EdMs and digital graphics are all part of the suite of changes underway.
  • Ongoing work with Insignia to create digital art for online and tradeshow promotion.
  • Working with a podcast production company on a popular US-based medical podcast website running Wordpress.


Very impressive turn around! Thanks mate, I really appreciate it. In hindsight, this should have been done a long time ago. Looking forward to the next stage of development! Oskar B, Sino Resources Capital
Thanks Dave – looks great! We are really happy with the look and feel... Good work team! Courtney & Michael, NRL
Hi Dave this looks GREAT!! Thank you... Thanks so much Dave!... very excited about the launch!... Fantastic Dave, this is looking incredible. Josh, JT Allen
Epic! Thank you! Legend... Perfect! Thank you, as always! Reece, NRL
Dave interprets a brief really well and most often gets it right straight away which leads to great client satisfaction. He's easy to work with, has great suggestions and ideas and gets the job done quickly and efficiently. I highly recommend his services. Chris, CKWEB
We are so stoked with the results and Basketball Australia was absolutely blown away with the high-quality work that you were able to produce in such a short amount of time. Angelina, Signet
What an absolute superstar! Quite often we work with developers that are very slow on the uptake, thanks so much for completing these tasks so quickly. Eli, Castleford
Well done. Thanks a million. Quick and efficient. Peter R, Balmain Sailing Club

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