Interface Design HeartKids MyHeart

Client: HeartKids
Completion: July 2014

  • Interface design
  • Front-end code (HTML, CSS, jQuery)
  • CMS (ExpressionEngine)

I was commissioned by HeartKids Australia to design and build a site for 12-25 year olds with childhood heart disease.

The site acts as a information resource and a safe place to share stories and comments.

My job was to design all interfaces (including mobile), code all HTML and setup the Expression Engine content management system (for near-full content control).

Thanks so much! We all love the new website and content management system... A very creative and strategically spot on solution. Thanks! Anna, HeartKids

The site has a forum, members registration, story submission and lots of data types and manipulations.

More Interface design projects

Quick facts

  • Freelance web designer based in the Blue Mountains (just outside Sydney)
  • Prefer to work from my office
  • Hour rate: $ contact me
  • Project rate: $ will quote
  • I'm passionate about quality
  • Married, with two great kids

Read more about me...

Skill & software overview

  • Trained graphic designer
  • 22+ yrs commercial experience
  • User-centred approach
  • Advanced Photoshop & Illustrator
  • Advanced HTML & CSS
  • W3C & WAI compliant
  • Responsive / Mobile friendly
  • WordPress customisation
  • ExpressionEngine customisation
  • Craft CMS customisation
  • ZenDesk theme customisation

Right now I am...

  • Working with Signet to lift their online presence. Interface design & code, EdMs and digital graphics are all part of the suite of changes underway.
  • Ongoing work with Insignia to create digital art for online and tradeshow promotion.
  • Working with a podcast production company on a popular US-based medical podcast website running Wordpress.


This is perfect, well done. For future reference things like this is why we like working with you, so keep it up. Rickard, Corality
Thanks Dave, all looks perfect... The site is looking absolutely brilliant and is exactly as hoped for it to look and function. Tony M, NRL Wellbeing & Education
Dave you’re amazing. Thanks for updating so quickly. Chrissy, Duco Promotions Limited
Great effort! I really like working with you as you can work off my short scribblings and make sense from the resulting in a cracking web page! Rickard, Corality
Great job turning this around. Thanks! Sara, RLIF
This is great. Thanks Dave! Fantastic! WOOOHOOOO! Sara, NRL
I just wanted to thank you for the work you've put in – you're a true professional and I will not hesitate to recommend you to anyone (except our competition!) Al, Specialised Force
Looks great! You’ve captured our intent really well... That looks amazing!... To me, it looks like you’re going in the right direction. Tom M, EPES Consulting

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